Thursday, October 2, 2008

Think'n'Speak (2003)

This next one is general in nature, but specific, without a doubt; same location, same boss. It represents that aspect of taking credit for something of your doing and input, by someone else. In this case, the boss.


With a new or alternative idea
For the benefit of the client
Is always a positive thing

In this case,
Not to minimize your input
As it is a case by case thing
But more to keep in mind
For the future

In your haste to push a new product
as an alternative
even if it would have been perfect for your needs
your intentions were admirable
but premature

the conversation had not finished
meaning all the details were not disclosed
your alternative had limitations
and would not have worked
if only you had waited for all the details

feeling is based on emotion
thinking, on logic
while you feel you interjected
I think you interrupted.

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